Services we offer - Quality Assurance

what can we do

Quality assurance (QA) is the process of verifying whether a product meets required specifications and customer expectations. QA is a process-driven approach that facilitates and defines goals regarding product design, development and production. QA's primary goal is tracking and resolving deficiencies prior to product release.

One of the key quality assurance principles that differentiates it from quality control is that quality assurance is performed during the project to help make sure the product meets the quality standards. For example, creating a Project Quality Management Plan, following a quality assurance process, and performing audits.

" Do the difficult things while they are easy and do the great things while they are small. A jorney of a thousand miles begin with a single step. "

Lao Tzu

Quality control, on the other hand, evaluates whether the resulting product produced by the project met the quality standards. Quality control activities are performed after a product has been created to determine if it meets the quality requirements. The results of the quality control process are used by the quality assurance process to determine if any changes are needed to the quality assurance process. So we offer both (QA and QC) even if we didn't develop your website or application:

  • Security check
  • Usability test
  • Functional testing
  • Resistance to attacks
  • Database safety and backups
  • Regression testing
  • Automated testing
  • Manual testing

we help organisations

manage changes

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